Welcome to our community forum page for Aquatic Center Renovation updates that we will provide to the community for the sole purpose of giving our community members frequent information about what is being done and what the near future project plans are. We encourage you to ask questions and to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the project as it pertains to the most recent updates. We look forward to hearing from you!
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ORD Pool Committee Update
Currently the ORD Pool Committee is in the process of preparing for a presentation to the City of Ontario City Council on January 19th, 2021 at 7:00pm at City Hall. This presentation will be the first local municipality that we pursue for additional funding for this project. We will be explaining the specifics of this project, the benefits, needs, and overall next steps with the help of the City of Ontario. We would very much appreciate as much support as possible from the community of Ontario.
We are also in the process of finishing a land plot report in order to move forward with a needed land survey for our design development phase of the project. This has taken much more time than anticipated because of the necessary information needed for the building. The City of Ontario has helped the ORD by providing any and all information regarding this project from the beginning.
Lastly we are also in the process of hiring a construction manager for At Risk services. This is done in order to reduce the chances of having to return to a design phase once we have moved forward with construction. This will save money and ensure that the design can be built before we approach the construction phase. The construction manager will work closely with the architects and engineers to move through this next phase correctly. Lastly they will also help us prepare the necessary documents for the hire of the construction firm for this project. We anticipate approving the hiring and contract of this construction manager by our February regular meeting of the board of directors. We hope to have a guaranteed maximum price soon after.
You can support this project by picking up a "GREAT NEWS!" button, visiting the City Council meeting or calling into the meeting to give a public comment regarding this project. Please also share our Facebook posts and information with other community members!